Tuesday 14 January 2014

New Media -apps

Currently lots of platforms and companies develop new apps every day, some of them very useful, some other for fun like games, etc. Last year JavaScrip become even more dominant via and ever-expanding ecosystem of frameworks. Samsung tried to establish itself as its own platform in the Android market. API technology generated a lot of buzz in 2013 as a way to access services and create revenue-generating opportunities  for developers. PaaS cloud computing got a second look and is set big things for this new year, analysts say.

Apps created everyday are used for fun, knowledge, problem solving, directions, etc. There are apps to edit, put filters and more, to photographs. There are also apps to download books and read them on the same app. The GPS apps are very useful, as instead of buying an expensive GPS, you could just download an app on your smartphone and do the same and more you could do with a GPS.

App development process:
-Every app starts with a concep.
-Choose a platform.
-What is the app for?
-Who is it for?
-What is the purpose of the app?

Phone's are not like computers, you cannot install a different operating system (OS) if you do not like the one the device came with. A mobile OS reflects your lifestyle, because it determines the choice of apps and phone functionality.

The most important softwares for apps are: Palm OS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian, Android and Iphone OS.

To distribute these apps exist different apps previously installed in your phone to see and download new ones. For Iphone OS you have the Apple Store where you find all the apps available, for Android you have Google Play where you find apps for Android, etc.

The Native and hybrid apps are installed in an app store, whereas web apps are mobile optimized webpages that look like an app. Both hybrid and web apps render HTML web pages, but hybrid apps use app-embedded browsers to do that.

-Native Apps: If you are designing a service or utility app that requires real speed and you want to use the native features of the OS running on a given device, then for your best bet is to code a native aoo, think instagram.
-Web Apps: In other words, apps that live entirely online and run in a web browser tab.
-Hybrid Apps: A native app built using HTML, CSS and Javascript, making it faster to run.


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